VOA Burmese Blog

June 14, 2010

World Cup 2010 Promotes Peace

Filed under: Uncategorized — voaburmese @ 9:10 pm

Cheering for Team USA during the UK- USA worldcup match - June 12, 2010

– Kaye Lin

Since June 11th, the World Cup has caused international commotion, for not only soccer fans worldwide but for sports dummies like me too. People’s eyes are glued to their televisions/computers/ radios as they watch and listen to the soccer matches that are taking place in South Africa.

The last time South Africa has gotten this much attention was 20 years ago, when civil rights leader, Nelson Mandela was released from 27 years of confinement in prison.

South African President, Jacob Zuma says that the 2010 world cup is a big opportunity for South Africa because people will get to see a diverse South Africa. Zuma states, “We must rise and tell the story of a continent which is alive with possibilities.”

I agree with Zuma. I’ve read reports where people have admitted that when they think of Africa, they think of apartheid and poverty. Now, as South Africa hosts the world cup, Africans are showcasing the beauty and the diversity of their continent- trying to recreate a whole new image. In general, the world cup has been a great opportunity to show off Africa’s multicultural arts, dances, people and ambition.
DC  Unites for the World Cup

The pictures you see are pictures taken on Saturday, June 12th in Washington DC. I was at Du Pont circle in DC to watch the USA vs. UK match.  It was the first time in which ESPN allowed two big screens to be set up in DC so residents would be able to watch the world cup. ESPN , which broadcasted the world cup, gave the permit to two men to showcase the US- UK match on Saturday. This broadcast at Dupont Circle was known as “Soccer in the Circle”.  People of all different ethnicities and beliefs stood next to one another- congested and sweltering in the heat, to watch the game. It was uncanny to see that a soccer game could unite so many, and then I understood the metaphor about the world cup. It’s been said before that the world cup promoted peace; people forget about the wars and the battles fought around the world. Everyone is just focused on soccer. Indeed everyone is just focused on soccer- even ones who were not so interested in it before.

The crowd was young, eager and cheerful. Good game. Go Team USA- all the way ! Which team are you rooting for?

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